Traumaterapiakeskuksen iltakoulu: Daring to care: A group treatment model for parents recovering from childhood abuse and neglect

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  • ti 14.11.2023 klo 1819:30
  • Webinaari

Daring to care: A group treatment model for parents recovering from childhood abuse and neglect

Marjo Ruismäki talks about the ’Daring to Care’ group intervention that was developed in Trauma Centre Finland for parents who are recovering from childhood abuse. Daring to Care is an integrative model that combines elements of cognitive and trauma therapies to understanding gained from attachment and mentalization theories. There is a long 24-session and short 12-session form of the model. The intervention comprises psychoeducation, exercises, home assignments, and peer support. Over the last ten years, Ruismäki and her colleagues have gained experience of the benefits and limitations of Daring to Care as the first-phase treatment for complexly traumatized parents. Ruismäki presents the intervention’s principles and links them with the difficulties that complexly traumatized parents often experience.

Lisätietoa ja ilmoittautuminen.

Webinaari on osa Traumaterapiakeskuksen koulutussarjaa Traumatisoituminen ja perhesuhteet -iltakoulu 2023. Iltakoulu-webinaareja fasilitoi PsT, varhaisen vuorovaikutuksen psykoterapeutti Sanna Isosävi. 


14.3. Traumatisoituminen vanhemman ja vauvan kehollisessa vuorovaikutuksessa: Parental Embodied Mentalization Assessment (PEMA) hoidollisena työkaluna 

9.5. Kun synnytys on traumaattinen kokemus – hoidollisia näkökulmia 

26.9. Lapsuuden hoivasuhteissaan traumatisoituneiden vanhempien ryhmähoitomalli: Vakautta vanhemmuuteen

14.11. Daring to care: A group treatment model for parents recovering from childhood abuse and neglect.

Hinta: 49 € + alv 24 % / kerta

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